Your Family
Wellness Village

What to expect: Walk-and-talk therapy is perhaps the most COVID-friendly and safe kind of therapy to engage in post-pandemic! Walk-and-talk therapy is pretty much what it sounds like: therapist and client walking outdoors while engaging in therapy. It combines mild physical exercise in which your body is moving and your eyes are looking straight ahead (instead of looking at a screen or making eye contact) along with skills-focused and processed-based therapy. An initial assessment at the office or via video is conducted prior to starting walk-and-talk therapy, to ensure this will be a good fit for you. Meet your therapist at the office, then you will both walk across the street to the walking path around the park. After about 50 minutes, you head back to the office to close the session from there and book the next appointment with your therapist. Walk-and-talk therapy sessions are available year-round. If the weather does not cooperate, the session can simply take place in the office.
Movement and outdoor-based therapy has been shown to be highly effective (see article). Particularly for teenage and adult clients struggling with:
Feeling stuck in their life
Walking while doing therapy has great benefits. Among a few of these benefits: it gets people outside in the fresh air - which is healing in and of itself, gets people unstuck in their thoughts and words, and allows for a less formal, more relaxed setting with your therapist. See here our informed consent that you will be singing before engaging in walk-and-talk therapy (this will be sent to you electronically at the time of the session).
Schedule your consultation now to see if Walk-and-Talk therapy will be a good fit for you!